
A novel approach to detect anomalies in superconducting radio-frequency (rf) cavities is presented, based on the parity space method with the goal to detect quenches and distinguish them from other anomalies. The model-based parity space method relies on analytical redundancy and generates a residual signal computed from measurable rf waveforms. The residual is a sensitive indicator of deviation from the model and provides different signatures for different types of anomalies. This new method not only helps with detecting faults but also provides a catalog of unique signatures, based on the detected fault. The method was experimentally verified at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EuXFEL). Various types of anomalies incorrectly detected as quenches by the current quench detection system are analyzed using this new approach.

Annika Eichler et al., Anomaly detection at the European X-ray Free Electron Laser using a parity-space-based method, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams